Part Number Fields:
Field Descriptions:
BMDX = Base model
VV = Operating voltage 12 vdc or 24vdc. (output voltage is equal to the input voltage; order the correct voltage range for the motor you are using).
SS = Sensor spacing 060 for 60 degree spacing or 120 for 120 degree spacing.
ON or OFF = ON for on delay of motor when enabled or OFF for off delay of motor when disabled. Blank equals no delay option.
TTTT = Delay time in seconds. Blank if delay option not used.
Part Number Examples:
Example 1. For a 12 volt / 60 degree motor with no on/off delay, order BMDX-12-60
Example 2. For a 24 volt / 120 degree motor with an off delay of 360 seconds, order BMDX-24-120-OFF-0360
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