RDB Engineering

2-Axis OEM Joystick Motion Controllers


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The OEM 2-axis joystick motion controller produces step and direction outputs for the control of either step or servo motors. It can easily be interfaced to any motor driver or motion indexer that accepts step and direction signaling. The frequency of the step output is proportional to the deflection of the joystick. The direction output is determined by the joysticks position from center.

There are 3 speed ranges, each of which is assignable by adjusting rotary dipswitches on the circuit board. The maximum “top end” frequency of the step output can be adjusted by an on board potentiometer.

The OEM PCB joystick controller is normally supplied with a long life 2-axis analog joystick, but can be ordered without if desired.

[Ordering Guide]




-All interface chips are socketed for fast and easy field replacement.
-3 switch selected, assignable speed ranges.
-Open collector step and direction outputs for ease of interface.
-Enable, disable output for signaling driver or indexer.




 -Operating voltage, 5 to 24 vdc @ 200ma.
 -Maximum step output 10mhz.
 -Operating temperature range, -10 to 50 degrees Celsius.